With much ado about the "decline of the mobile web", we've glossed over the most important difference betweens websites and apps: What an awful experience i...
Having "an app for that" often feels more convenient, but is it?
Pretty pixels used to be a signal of an app's quality. Not only is that no longer the case, but there might even be merit to being ugly by design.
The life and death of games and apps greatly resembles the life and death of movies and TV shows, respectively. And at the end of the day, they're all just c...
Many have remarked that Facebook Paper is out-of-touch with the experience of the "average Facebook user". I think Paper is actually targeted at the very peo...
Many are finding the Jelly to be a stickier app than expected. I think Jelly's "something" is what it shares with Tinder, Snapchat and others: Most of the ap...
Consider this gift for the special person in your life who's missing two out of the five senses
Many reasonably naïve consumers don't know that third-party developers are responsible for all but Apple's roughly 20 apps in the App Store. Uniformity in iO...
Steve Cheney's "Why Android First is a Myth" encapsulates many of the macro-level, rational reasons why startups still go iOS-first. The picture might look ...